Saturday, October 22, 2005

The Devil in Us

It is in our nature to feel such great fright of imagined circumstances that we govern our lives and the lives of others in the attempt to prevent their occurrence. Philosophers and theologians have made excellent use of this particular infirmity of ours.


brainmarket said...

Well damn . . . I was still thinking about something to write in response to the post about language and then BAM up comes another post. Whoa, Neddy!

Anyway, all I could think about after reading the previous post was the movie "Paris, Texas," where the Harry Dean Stanton character resurfaces after some kind of psychogenic fugue in the desert, apparently induced by a desire to live in a world "without language."

Nature's Rebel said...

I haven't seen the movie, but I will put it on my list now. What in the world is a psychogenic fugue? I know that a fugue is a baroque muscial form perfected by Bach, but otherwise I'm in the dark.

Sorry about the rapidity of the posts. I certainly don't expect the several people that currently make up my readership to comment on all of them. I am on something of a mission that goes beyond our admittedly enjoyable conversation.

brainmarket said...

In psychiatry, Psychogenic Fugue is a condition whereby the subject (usually following severe trauma) subconciously creates a new persona geographically displaced from the locus of the previous persona. The fugue persona is often more extrovert than the pre-fugue persona, yet still functional. In the US, since the publication of DSM IV in 1994, Psychogenic Fugue is now known as Dissasociative Fugue.

Nimiwey and I (as well as others I am sure) have recently attempted to relate the concept to the recent phenomena of involuntary internet imposture. Nimiwey put up a recent post on her blog on the subject, and I wrote a mediocre paper on chatroom defamation a while back, which attempted to make a correlation.

Gopher said...

I suffer from hallucinations (I don't mean illusions - there's a difference). I have enough "fright of imagined circumstances" without anymore!

Seriously though; you don't need anymore readers - we're solving the world efficiently enough!

Fear drives man. The fear of starvation to plant food, the fear of loneliness to get married, the fear of work to make me lay here blogging when I should be getting ready!